Colby Systems' iPhone holder works with both iPhone 3 and iPhone 4 series. It is designed to hold the iPhone close to the windshield so it does not vibrate or swing from side to side or up and down and cause false triggering when using the iCAR Black Box App.
It also does not block the image like other windshield mounts when using a COLBY Fisheye Lens which will then give a 180 degree view so you not only record what is directly ahead but also what comes from either side of the vehicle when using the iCAR app.
The mount also has provisions to safely store the lens when it is not being used on the iPHONE.
It is very easy to attach and detach when entering or leaving the vehicle.
The only iPhone mount available that will will work with the icarblackbox app on an iPhone with a Colby 180 degree lens on it.
The iCARBLACKBOX app for iPhone converts your iPhone into a video incident recorder for the vehicle.